同様に>> 11氏の発言をうけて、h,x,wが存在しないことも確認した。
I have attempted translating the sentences, here is what I have got so far, some of the words make no sense, despite being a direct translation of what is written there
The upper sentence is the upper halves of the letters, the bottom is the bottom halves of the letters, the order I wrote them in here is random.
C6 is the only sentence that is written upside down, since the bottom halves of the letters are on the top, while all of the other sentences are the opposite.
C1 - NorthEast (Behind a wall you can disable with an upgraded version of the new gadget)
"Ceann aqa zl pb zmzq"
"Caell ese un td umus"
C2 - SouthEast (Inside the ruins behind a ruin grader)
"Ygykq ykck"
"Vivos voco" -> "The Living" + "Call/Summon = "I call the living"?
C3 - Southeast2 (Inside the ruins behind a ruin grader)
"Cgyq aignn"
"Pivs egill"
C4 - MiddleTunnel
"lkl aqp eb"
"Non est ad" -> "It is not" + "to/at/towards"
C5 - NearWestBell
"Mkrpzkq tnelik"
"Mortuos plango" -> "Lamenting dead"?
C6 - RoadCelestiaPillar
"Ap zmrde"
"Et umbra" -> "And shadow" / "In shadow"?
C7 - PillarRoom
"Yabg jnayg
"Vedi flevi"
C8 - NearDrop
"Edwqqgq yge"
"Abyssis via" -> "Abyssal road" / "Abyssal way"?
C9 - NearWestBell2
"Gmt eilerr"
"Imp agnarr"
- SoundHorizonからの引用は、
旅人の選択肢「その唇から歌を奪うことはできない…」 Twitter/@miostl氏から
や、「宵闇と暁光の歌」というアチーブ名からかなり意図的であることが推測できます。 - 個人的には「…一切の希望を捨てよ」というアチーブ名が存在することから、9という数字はダンテの『神曲』を意図しているのでは、と思いました。