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名前なし 2021/07/07 (水) 12:37:41 修正 a9eee@92369 >> 187

どこに入れても正解扱いだから多少はね...(ついでに同時に複数所持もできないらしいけど複数手に入れたテンノは居るのかな?)(追記)HotFixで修正されたらしい、やったー『Fixed not actually receiving the OULL Requiem after having your Kuva Lich/Sister flee.
Accounts that did not actually receive their OULL Requiem will be fixed upon login.』『Fixed not actually receiving the Requiem Ultimatum after Converting/Vanquishing your Kuva Lich/Sister.
Accounts that did not actually receive their Requiem Ultimatum will be fixed upon login.』

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