Escape from Tarkov Japan wiki

Skier/Burning Rubber / 22

33 コメント
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名前なし 2024/01/05 (金) 08:57:07 f9b7f@94ebb


New guy? Yeah, yeah, hello. Looking for a job, you say? I have a little thing to take care of...
I got a buddy who drives people around in his SUV from the city center. For cash, obviously! You have to whisper something in his ear, but do it during your trip, so that no scum can overhear you. I won't trust you with anything very secret, don't even dream of it, but I don't want any rumors to spread.
Job's easy enough, I'll even give you the money for the ride. You up for it?

市内中心部から SUV で人々を送り届ける友人がいます。現金の場合は、当然のことですが、彼の耳元で何かをささやく必要がありますが、クズに聞かれないように、旅行中にそれを行ってください。とても秘密なことは信用しないし、夢にも思わないけど、どんな噂も広まりたくない

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