異世界の創造者/Creator of Another World/异世界创造者/異世界創造者

要望など / 2606

3106 コメント
1 フォロー

First, apologize using English to comment. I'm not good at Japanese.

I found that learning abilities(アビリティ) is too complicated because you can only learn those form teacher(教師). I know some of them can get form specific event like cooking and smiting, but there are still a lot to learn ASAP like 大げさ,礼儀作法,物体感知(at least to me). Waiting teacher to refresh the list everyday and found that nothing I want to learn is kinda ... frustrating.

I have a suggestion that you can learning every abilities form teacher, but some of them only takes 8 pyroxene(輝石) and change everyday,  others takes more like 16 or 20.

In conclusion, thank you for bringing me so much joy through this game!   

通報 ...
  • 2609
    くえたろう 2023/10/26 (木) 21:54:20 >> 2606

    Thank you for enjoying this game!

    I think it's good to collect abilities slowly and not overdo it.
    I hope you enjoy the randomness of this game.

    Thank you for playing through this game even though it is in Japanese.
