2019/09/03 (火) 15:57:17
Here is a comparison of the vocabulary of the Japanese community and the English community, which I found when I looked up the English community. Since the original address seems to be invalid now, I cannot send you my original English. So there are a lot of translated Chinese characters. For ease of understanding you can remove the Chinese characters and keep only Japanese and English.
通報 ...
Note that this comparison was put together by an english-speaking community member trying to understand the Japanese community. However, he did not understand the difference between the two communities' understanding of tulpa. Therefore, although some words are marked with equal signs, they need to be carefully used in practice. Because cultural differences can make the same words have different meanings.
タルパ - Tulpa.
タルパー - 宿主/host.
イマジナリーフレンド(“幻想伙伴/Imaginary Friend)”) - 包含很多我们称之为tulpas的东西。 根据我看到的一个解释,“tulpa”是精神版本,“幻想伙伴”是心理版本。 不确定大多数人是否都按照这个区分。
视覚化 - 描绘/Visualization (此列表中唯一一个直接出现在字典中的术语)。
触覚化 - ?
オート化(“自动化/Automation”) - 包含我们所谓的“知觉/sentience”和积极的练习(forcing)皆以此为目标。
創造型(“创造型/Creation-Type”)- 有意创造出来的tulpa。
邂逅型(“邂逅型/Encounter-Type”)- 走进来/Walk-ins。
版権タルパ(“原创Tulpa/Copyright Tulpas”) - Fictives。
ダイブ界 (”潜水世界/Dive World”) - 幻境/Wonderland。
タル虐 - 虐待Tulpa/Tulpa abuse,一个挺有争议的话题。
統合失調症 - 精神分裂/DID
真名 - ?
暴走 - 失控/?
【自分の肉体から抜け出す感覚の体験のことである。国籍・文化圏にかかわらず、このような感覚は見られ、10人に1人程度は生涯に一度は経験はしているとも言われている。 (Wikipediaより抜粋)
【詳しくは「最近幽体離脱にはまった まとめ」Wikiを参照。 http://www13.atwiki.jp/ridatu/
ダイブ - 潜水/冥想?