
情報掲示板 / 1230

2264 コメント
7 フォロー

ただいま、Grant Thornton, Cameron Rosさんから返事が来ました

Hello Mr. Anonymous

Thank you for your email.

In this case, almost all claims fall under the category of ‘unsecured creditor’, as secured creditor status is typically only held by selected trade creditors. As an unsecured creditor, the statement “I hold no security for the amount claimed” is the statement which applies. Hence, you would omit the statement, “I am surrendering my security and I am claiming as an unsecured creditor” as this statement only applies to secured creditors who wish to remove their secured creditor status and claim as an unsecured creditor.

Kind Regards

Cameron Ross

ということです。皆様、おさわがせしました。 頑張ってclaim書いて、少しでも取り戻しましょう

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