Arcaea Wiki@zawazawa

【閲覧のみ】『Grievous Lady』の解禁方法 / 70

94 コメント
1 フォロー
cracingbozo7 2017/11/14 (火) 02:29:55

Hello, English Arcaea user here, I don't know if this will help but while looking through game files in the "unlocks" file there is unlock information for Grievous Lady that confuses me. Ill put it here for you all to see:

      "songId": "grievouslady",
      "ratingClass": 2,
      "conditions": [         {           "type": 101,           "min": 3,           "max": 11         }       ]
      "songId": "grievouslady",
      "ratingClass": 1,
      "conditions": [         {           "type": 101,           "min": 5,           "max": 23         }       ]
      "songId": "grievouslady",
      "ratingClass": 0,
      "conditions": [         {           "type": 101,           "min": 10,           "max": 35         }       ]

I'm not sure what the "min" and "max" mean but the "type" is different from all the other songs which are all set to 0

Anyways, I hope this helps, I'll look through more files to see if i can find the meaning behind this but until then this is just for speculation.

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