I'm sorry to bother you. I found a way to translate FMM into Japanese, and I want to publish it here。
Indonesia language plis
If you are willing to translate, you can try. No problem technically, just too much work
thanks,docment,kunun. In the case of andoroid version 11 , If you do not have write permission for /storage/emulated/0/sigames/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023 Mobile, you cannot copy the file. how did you get write permissions?
You can use any file manager. This is not android/data
kunkun,thanks a lot. Work completed successfully. I changed it to Japanese.
where can i get english.ltf file
The mobile version does not have ltf. You can convert ltc to txt
Hi. Please help, how to translate files "eng.lng" and "stage_names.dat"?
14.2winter update
14.2.1 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CSiSTpJkOJHlFohbNZ7fgFnbyaFHU7iI/view?usp=sharing
不適切なコンテンツとして通報するには以下の「送信」ボタンを押して下さい。 管理チームへ匿名通報が送信されます。あなたが誰であるかを管理チームに特定されることはありません。
通報履歴 で、あなたの通報と対応時のメッセージを確認できます。
// generating...
Indonesia language plis
If you are willing to translate, you can try. No problem technically, just too much work
In the case of andoroid version 11 ,
If you do not have write permission for /storage/emulated/0/sigames/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2023 Mobile, you cannot copy the file.
how did you get write permissions?
You can use any file manager. This is not android/data
kunkun,thanks a lot.
Work completed successfully.
I changed it to Japanese.
where can i get english.ltf file
The mobile version does not have ltf. You can convert ltc to txt
Hi. Please help, how to translate files "eng.lng" and "stage_names.dat"?
14.2winter update
14.2.1 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CSiSTpJkOJHlFohbNZ7fgFnbyaFHU7iI/view?usp=sharing