
Survive even at the massacre【SS】 / 60

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残りカス 2016/05/03 (火) 02:39:56

キトキト「十二の数の使徒は十三の使徒を生み出すために存在するTwelve the number of apostles are present in order to produce the thirteenth apostle.
神とその使徒以外の存在が許されることは未来永劫一片たりとも存在しない。It does not exist, even for a one piece forever God with the presence of other than the Apostle is allowed.
目の前の存在を嬲り殺し細胞の一欠けらも残さないのが十二の使徒の役目。Role of the twelve apostles do not leave even one missing, et al. Of death of a thousand cuts cells presence in front of the eye.
十三番目の使徒は神以外が嬲り殺された後をただ歩くだけでいい。Thirteenth of the Apostles to do is just walk after other than God has been killed Naburi only.
たった一つの憂いも残さず幾億幾万もの民の命の後を歩き続ける。Keep walking and after the life of several billion several thousands of people without leaving sorrow of only one.
その歩みは悪魔のようでもあってはならない。天使の様でもあってはならない。たった一人の巡礼者の様であれ。His steps should not there be like a devil. There should be also an angel of the way. Long as only one of the pilgrims.
神は私の後ろを歩くのだから。God because to walk behind me.
【第十三使徒の歩み】Mediocre every day there is nothing!!!」

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