June's Journey ミステリー探偵ジューン ファンによるファンのための 攻略 & 交流 掲示板

雑談トピック・その2 / 54

505 コメント
3 フォロー
カンリ13世 2022/02/19 (土) 12:02:59 >> 53

We are in the memoir period now.
We have less than 2 weeks left.
My online friends got a 5-star pack (purple pack) and a 4-star pack (pink pack) every week with a flash bonus.
They also got new snippets.
And their memoirs are nearing completion.

I need 10 more new snippets.
I don't have the opportunity to challenge the flash bonus or get star packs and new snippets with the flash bonus.
There are gaps between players.
Why are there differences between players⁇

通報 ...
  • 55
    カンリ13世 2022/02/19 (土) 12:08:29 >> 54

    I play this game everyday, every night and I really love June's Journey.
    I also bought some decorations.
    I hope the flash bonus will get everyone, not just some players.
    Thank you for reading.TIA

