Operating system: Windows 10 64-bit.
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD 2.5 GHz or superior.
Memory: 8GB RAM.
Graphics Card: Any DirectX 11 or 12 compatible card, or an Intel graphics driver higher than the
This test is only available on IOS/Android/Windows.
Let me share with you some Q&As from the yesterday stream
Q. Will you update the visuals of the commanders?
A. Yes, the visuals of the commanders will be updated. The team has already decided on changes, with one commander being shelved and another receiving a rework. Future commanders will also be redesigned based on player feedback. More details will be shared once updates are ready to showcase.
Q. Will players have the option to hide commanders?
A. Yes, the team is working on features that will allow players to control how much they interact with commanders from a presentation standpoint. This includes options to hide their appearance next to tanks in the base and mute their voices.
Q. Will the game have API support?
A. Yes, API support is planned, but will not be available at launch for Reforged. Since the game is moving to a new engine and a global server structure, API integration will take time.
Q. Why switch from tech trees to Sets?
A. The move from traditional tech trees to Sets aims to make tank progression more intuitive, flexible, and user-friendly, especially for new and casual players. The current tech tree system, while familiar to long-time players, has several drawbacks:
Inconsistent Progression – Some tank lines have drastic playstyle shifts (e.g., from fast, mobile tanks to slow, armored ones), making progression jarring and sometimes frustrating.
Forced Grind Through Stock Tanks – Players must go through every tank in a line, even if they dislike a particular playstyle, leading to frustrating stock tank experiences.
UI Limitations – As more nations and tanks are added, the tech tree becomes harder to navigate, especially on mobile devices.
Lack of Thematic Identity – Sets introduce a thematic structure where tanks with similar playstyles are grouped together, making it easier for players to understand what to expect from a tank line before committing resources.
More Player Choice – Sets allow players to stick to their preferred playstyles instead of being forced through tanks they don’t enjoy to reach their desired vehicle.
6Overwhelming for New Players – The sheer number of tanks and nations can be confusing, and new players often struggle to understand which tanks fit their preferred playstyle.
By switching to Sets, we aim to create a more accessible and enjoyable experience without the rigid constraints of the old tech tree system.
Q. Will you still need to unlock sets with keys that only contain premium/collector tanks?
A. No, you will not need to use keys to unlock sets that only contain premium or collector tanks.
Q. At the moment only purchased tanks count towards set progression. Will this change?
A. Yes, this is going to change. In the future, the tanks that you have researched will also contribute to your set progression, even if you haven't purchased them yet. So, while you won't own the tank if you haven't bought it, your progress in the set will still reflect the research you've completed, allowing your set to be at the appropriate level.
This change is intended to be a more player-friendly approach, as it will count progress for tanks you've worked on through research, not just those you've already purchased.
Q. Will the winrate be in the game?
A. Yes, win rate will be in the game, along with other important stats like average damage. These stats will be available for each mode, and they will not be lost. The way they are displayed may change, but the data will be there.
Q. Will you change the battle UI colors?
A. They will be reverted to the current colors of Blitz.
Q. Will you change the damage indicator during battles? White on white?
A. Yes, we will be fixing that too.
暫定的に、Ultra Testでの変更点などをまとめるページとして新規に作成しました。
また、Reforge Update以降の編集方針についても議論できればと思います。
・Jackson (レベル3/フリー)
・Charles (レベル3/スペシャル・スペシャルの意味については後述)
・T25/2 (レベル4/フリー)
・TS-60 (レベル5/コレクター)
・T28 Prototype (レベル5/フリー)
・T34 (レベル5・現時点では重戦車/プレミアム)
・T30 (レベル6/フリー)
・プレコレ車が混じっているがセット内のどの戦車でも購入する事が出来る。例としてレベル5(現在のwotbで言うティア8)まで到達するとT28 Protをクレジットで、T34・TS-60をゴールドで購入するオプションが解禁される
・指揮官はプレイヤーレベルを上げる事でアンロックされ、課金等で指揮官を購入する事は出来ない。(つまり、pay 2 winな要素では無いと言う事。全ての指揮官はツリー車の様に何らかの方法で無料で入手できる)なおイベントなどでも配布されるが、一度イベントを見逃したプレイヤーは再配布を願う事しか出来ない
もうダウンロードしてplayer ○○○みたいになっているんですけどこっからログインって出来ますか?
WGアカウントに紐づいたメールアドレスとパスワードでログインできるよ。紐づけされてなければそもそもUltra Testの申し込みしてないと思うので不可。
Let me share with you some Q&As from the yesterday stream
Q. Will you update the visuals of the commanders?
A. Yes, the visuals of the commanders will be updated. The team has already decided on changes, with one commander being shelved and another receiving a rework. Future commanders will also be redesigned based on player feedback. More details will be shared once updates are ready to showcase.
Q. Will players have the option to hide commanders?
A. Yes, the team is working on features that will allow players to control how much they interact with commanders from a presentation standpoint. This includes options to hide their appearance next to tanks in the base and mute their voices.
Q. Will the game have API support?
A. Yes, API support is planned, but will not be available at launch for Reforged. Since the game is moving to a new engine and a global server structure, API integration will take time.
Q. Why switch from tech trees to Sets?
A. The move from traditional tech trees to Sets aims to make tank progression more intuitive, flexible, and user-friendly, especially for new and casual players. The current tech tree system, while familiar to long-time players, has several drawbacks:
6Overwhelming for New Players – The sheer number of tanks and nations can be confusing, and new players often struggle to understand which tanks fit their preferred playstyle.
By switching to Sets, we aim to create a more accessible and enjoyable experience without the rigid constraints of the old tech tree system.
Q. Will you still need to unlock sets with keys that only contain premium/collector tanks?
A. No, you will not need to use keys to unlock sets that only contain premium or collector tanks.
Q. At the moment only purchased tanks count towards set progression. Will this change?
A. Yes, this is going to change. In the future, the tanks that you have researched will also contribute to your set progression, even if you haven't purchased them yet. So, while you won't own the tank if you haven't bought it, your progress in the set will still reflect the research you've completed, allowing your set to be at the appropriate level.
This change is intended to be a more player-friendly approach, as it will count progress for tanks you've worked on through research, not just those you've already purchased.
Q. Will the winrate be in the game?
A. Yes, win rate will be in the game, along with other important stats like average damage. These stats will be available for each mode, and they will not be lost. The way they are displayed may change, but the data will be there.
Q. Will you change the battle UI colors?
A. They will be reverted to the current colors of Blitz.
Q. Will you change the damage indicator during battles? White on white?
A. Yes, we will be fixing that too.
とりあえずサンドボックス に技術セットの試作案を作っておきました。