WarThunder Wiki

Vietnam(陸) / 47

114 コメント
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名前なし 2019/01/26 (土) 22:34:44 a4f6c@6d687 >> 44

You are new here and we don't expect you to believe us when we tell you how bad it is. It is a blood scary jungle, deep with strong trees and tall glass. Hot and wet in intermittent rain and strong tropical dragonflies and viet cong sniper bullets. You are a long, long way for Fort Riley now. And there is no Jersey campaign in Washington street where you can sit around the counter eating hamburgers and sipping coffee without having to be afraid a bomb might go off like it did at that restaurant in Saigon a few weeks back. You can get killed here. Get out while you are still alive before it is too late.

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