RSP-30 reactive signal cartridge (green) |
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Hey, soldier! I've got a new reconnaissance mission for ya. I was able to arrange a deal with the fellas who control the railroad at the old customs gas station, but I haven't sent any of my couriers that way yet. We gotta check it out first. The plan is simple: you fire the green flare and extract. It's like a job Belka did... or was it Strelka? Ah, whatever, you know what I'm trying to say. I'll pay you for risking your skin, but make sure you don't get whacked before even getting to that place, and take your time on the exit itself. I've heard enough tales of mercs who shoot the flare and run to the exit immediately before the flare even lights up properly... On a completely unrelated note, may I interest you in a cheap new helmet with bullet hole vents?
「There, I told you it was a simple job! You can trust me, I'd never send an untrained soldier into harm's way.」
- CUSTOMSの脱出地点「Railroad Passage」から脱出する。
アイコン | アイテム名 | 必要な数 | 要求事項 | FiR | 備考 |
![]() | RSP-30 reactive signal cartridge (Green) | 1 | Railroad Passageで使用 | - | Jaeger LL1で購入可能 |
- 経験値+8,200
- Prapor親密度+0.01
- 資金+44,000₽
- 資金+46,200₽ ※ Intelligence Center Level 1
- 資金+50,600₽ ※ Intelligence Center Level 2
- RGD-5 hand grenade x5
脱出するためにはRSP-30 reactive signal cartridge (green) を適切な位置で展開する必要がある。展開せずに脱出しようとすると不可視のスナイパーに撃たれてKIAとなる。